Welcome to ProtectFMB.org

Preserving the Spirit of Fort Myers Beach – Today, Tomorrow, Together.

On December 16th, 2024 Town Council voted to approve the Seagate development on the site of the old Red Coconut RV park and the redevelopment of the Neptune Inn. The Seagate project tops out at over 250′, and includes 6 giant towers and is adjacent to a low lying residential neighborhood that is part of the “Quiet Center” in the Town’s Future Land Use map. In the same meeting, council approved double the density for the Neptune Inn when the owners claimed they were under insured and needed the density to make the project profitable. These projects affect your safety by increasing evacuation times, stress our already overburdened infrastructure, and Seagate will entomb the adjacent Shell Mound Neighborhood. And it is just the beginning. Fort Myers Beach has over a dozen sizable lots that Town Council could rezone for higher density and height.

Our mission

Our mission is to preserve the unique character of of Fort Myers Beach for residents, visitors, and the island economy for future generations.

We strive to protect the island’s character, honor its history, and support responsible development. Protect FMB will use community collaboration, advocacy, and legal action to protect the island and resist excessive development that could destroy neighborhoods and overwhelm our already stressed infrastructure. We aim to protect the island’s identity, foster a vibrant, inclusive community.

Responsible development aims to improve the quality of life for all people. It involves balancing economic development, social development, and environmental protection.

Smart growth is an overall approach of development and conservation strategies that can help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, socially diverse, and resilient to future events.

The Comprehensive Plan

The Town’s Comprehensive plan is a legally binding document that outlines the vision for FMB. It is an enduring vison that has stood as a guide for development for decades. It espouses responsible development. You can find the entire Comprehensive Plan and other codes here.

“Together, we aim to create a sustainable future that honors our past, embraces the future, and enriches the lives of all who call this island home.”

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